
New Gloucester, Maine.

Royal River Conservation Trust.

Granite, copper, etched glass diatoms.


Maine Emergency Medical Services Memorial

Augusta, Maine. With Richardson Assoc. Landscape Architects. Phase 1 completed September 2013.

Granite, copper, glass, acrylic, LEDs. audio.


Sitting Walls

Western Maine University, South Paris, Maine

Maine Arts Commission Percent for Art

Original foundation stones are reused in this renovation of the historic Expo Hall of the Oxford County Fairgrounds. Maps of towns in Oxford County circa 1881 are carved and sandblasted into the stones, which are then placed to activate a public entry space.



Windham High School, Windham, Maine

Maine Arts Commission Percent for Art.

Sandblasted granite spheres and benches placed at an entryway address an empty plaza and create a social space for kids. Poem by Emily Dickenson.



Riverview Psychiatric Center, Augusta, Maine

Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services, State of Maine

Maine Arts Commission Percent for Art

Copper lantern, prayer wheel, weather vane installed at employee’s entry.



Hitchner Hall, University of Maine, Orono

Maine Arts Commission Percent for Art

Sandblasted Fireslate panels installed in the loggia of the Biological Sciences building.



Maine State House, Augusta, Maine

Maine Arts Commision Percent for Art

Granite panels in an underground connector between the State House and the State Office Bldg. Sandblasted graphics address the fundamental role of communication in government. Texts are excerpts from 17th C French-Wabanaki dictionaries compiled by French Jesuit missionaries, in Wabanaki, French, English, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot.



Convergence International Arts Festival, Providence, RI

Five part granite installation for Roger Williams National Memorial Park

Text in Narraganset and English from Wiliams’ 1643 book “A Key into the Language of America”


Barnes Memorial

Portland Public Library, Burbank Branch, Portland, Maine

Three granite posts, a bench and cobblestones form a reading area and memorial to Joyce Barnes, former Director of the branch library. Poem by Robert Frost, bench and cobblestones recycled from the city’s stockpile.


Northern Forest Canoe Trail

Art and Community Landscapes Grant: National Park Service, National Endowment for the Arts, LEF Foundation, New England Foundation for the Arts, VT Arts Council. With artist Ron Smith and poet Stephen Dignazio.

Three projects were created under this grant to focus attention on the emerging Northern Forest Canoe Trail (NFCT) and two towns on the Missisquoi River in northwestern VT. The stone canoe in Swanton VT was carved from local marble. It formed a gathering spot and marked a canoe portage at the site of a former marble mill and ancient Wabanaki fishing site. Upstream from the stone canoe, an unmarked dam was highlighted by artist designed, rotating dam warnings, guiding paddlers to the portage.

Richford, VT was invited to create a community self-portrait with 100 cameras and notebooks provided by the artists. Over 1000 photos created an archive for the Historical Society, became the basis for an exhibition and led to 6 postcards featuring the town’s position on the NFCT.

View Presentation (PDF)


West End Dog Park

Portland, Maine

Project coordinator on a community design-build project with Architalx, YouthBuild, Portland West, Architect David Sellers


Gulf of Maine Lighthouse

Lighthouses on Parade, sponsored by Hannaford Supermarkets with Preti Flarehty Attorneys. Mable Wilson School, Cumberland, ME

Third graders studying life in the Gulf of Maine collaged hand painted sea creatures onto a painted fiberglass lighthouse installed in downtown Portland.